Ballyrashane Creamery
Ballyrashane is one of the oldest creameries in Ireland and is part of one of the few remaining operational co-operatives owned by dairy farmers. It has expanded its operations over the years and now processes approximately 80 million litres of raw milk and 69 million litres of cream annually.
Lacpatrick Dairies (Ltd.) NI
Waste & Recycling
Our Involvement
Ballyrashane Creamery produces 33,000 tons of butter, 40 million litres of pasteurised milk and 1,000 tons of cheese each year, which are sold within local businesses, high street stores and across the world. Indirectly, Ballyrashane’s supply chain stretches across the community, with over 700 local businesses involved in supplying and supporting our production.
The purpose of this project is to continue to build on Ballyrashane’s ethos of sustainability through the inclusion of a water recycling plant at Ballyrashane Creamery. Already, the fuel for the existing Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant on site comes from the Creamery’s dairy waste and is supplemented by silage grown in the fields surrounding the plant or purchased from local farmers. The biogas from the AD plant is used to run two combined heat and power units which supply renewable electricity and heat recovery to the Creamery.
Water recycling is the process of treating water for reuse that would otherwise have been put down the drain. The proposed works on the Ballyrashane site at 18 Creamery Road will involve decommissioning of the existing water treatment plant and the installation of a new transfer station. The proposed works adjacent to the existing AD site, beside 75 Creamery Road, will involve the installation of a water recycling plant. The project will also involve the laying of pipes under the Creamery Road between these two locations to transport aterial between the two sites.
Gravis is currently managing the pre application stage of this proposal for a new water recycling facility at Ballyrashane Creamery with a planning application to be submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council imminently. Our Strategic Communications team has also completed a process of statutory Pre-Application Community Consultation including a public exhibition event.