Derriaghy Platform Extension
Works are now complete to extend the platforms at Derriaghy Train Station, with Gravis Planning having supported Translink and contractor Adman with strategic communications advice throughout the project.
Industrial & Infrastructure
Our Involvement
Extending both platforms at the station – from approximately 100 metres to 150 metres in length – means that trains calling at Derriaghy can now be up to six carriages long, rather than three. These larger trains will improve network efficiency, transport connectivity and passenger capacity, ensuring that growing levels of demand are met at peak times and encouraging greater use of public transport as a more sustainable way of travelling to work, school or for leisure. The extended platforms also include new ramps to improve accessibility for all passengers.
Gravis assisted Translink and Adman with the management of the interface between project construction works and railway neighbours, including local residents and businesses. This involved the organising and hosting of public information events, and the design and delivery of project materials, such as information leaflets to ensure that key stakeholders were aware of the works ongoing in their area. A webpage was also created which provided an online platform for stakeholders to learn about the project.