
Energising Belfast

The Energising Belfast project will ensure that the Greater Belfast area, its people and its businesses have the clean energy needed to grow.




Industrial & Infrastructure


Greater Belfast



Our Involvement

This project will future-proof the transmission system in Belfast to ensure that businesses have capacity and the power they need to expand in the near-term and into the future, supporting the economic and societal vision of the Belfast Region City Deal and all partner councils in the Greater Belfast area.

SONI are responsible for the design and consenting phase of the project, with NIE Networks to lead on the construction phase. The project will deliver a new high-capacity underground cable in Belfast City Centre, as well as a new transformer at Castlereagh Main substation. SONI are also assessing the possibility of building new substations at or next to existing sites in the city, or at new sites nearby. This will enable the removal of extant overhead lines in the future and prepare the transmission system in the Greater Belfast area for future population and economic growth, as well as the electrification of heating and transport.

Gravis Planning provide strategic communications support for SONI, assisting with stakeholder engagement and community consultation as per SONI’s three-part process for grid development. This ensures that all key stakeholders are aware of the need for and benefits of the project, and have the opportunity to provide feedback via channels such as public drop-in consultation event. Feedback received during this process will inform and help shape the final plans for the project.

A further consultation period and the submission of a planning application is expected for later in 2023. 

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