Hope Street & Posnett Street Development Plans
The project was centred on an extensive exercise in community consultation, leading to the drafting of two Outline Development Plans for prominent vacant sites at Hope Street on Sandy Row and Posnett Street at Donegall Pass, both in the heart of Belfast City Centre.
Housing Executive
Community Consultation

Our Involvement
Working with the Paul Hogarth Company, Stage One of this work was based around background research including site visits, stakeholder mapping, review of planning history and analysis of existing strategies. In addition, initial engagement was carried out to introduce the project to key stakeholders and a detailed baseline analysis was conducted resulting in the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the site. These findings led to the production of an ‘Issues Report’.
During Stage Two, extensive consultation was undertaken through hosting well-attended and successful community consultation events held onsite, in addition to a series of individual stakeholder meetings. The activities undertaken and feedback received during this wide ranging engagement were summarised within a ‘Draft Findings Report’.
Stage Three of the project involved developing Draft Outline Development Plans for each site which illustrated land use and scale, based on the consultation carried out and feedback received prior. Further community consultation events were hosted in the form of staffed exhibitions, to seek views on the Draft Outline Development Plans. Various individual meetings were also held with key stakeholders. A report on the findings of this Stage was also produced.
As part of Stage Four, views expressed during Stage Three were considered, the Outline Development Plans refined, and a Final Report drafted. The report collated all work carried out and detailed the consultation undertaken at each stage of the project, drawing together analysis and findings. Included alongside the Outline Development Plans in the final report was a vision for the two sites and description of uses, including indicative imagery and key design principles based on consultation feedback.