Gravis Planning's Chris Bryson reflects on time as Chair of RTPI NI
7 January 2025
4 May 2023
Gravis Planning was pleased to receive planning approval for the erection of twelve additional apartments within Fortwilliam Grange in Fortwilliam Park, Belfast.
Belfast City Council had refused the original application on the basis of the design and density of the scheme, parking shortfall and lack of capacity in the sewage network to serve the proposal.
These matters were all overcome at appeal through the submission of detailed drawings showing how the proposed design is in keeping with the character of the existing apartment blocks and adjoining development.
Regarding sewage, a successful case was made at appeal for the imposition of a condition to overcome network capacity issues which was accepted by the Planning Appeals Commission to allow planning permission to be granted. The scheme will contribute to meeting the demand for housing in the Belfast Metropolitan area.