Planning permission secured for new 350MW OCGT development at SSE’s Tarbert Power Station in Co. Kerry
6 February 2025
17 October 2024
We are pleased to have secured planning permission for a new supermarket outlet in Altrincham, Manchester, on behalf of Farmfoods.
Farmfoods is a family-owned supermarket business which has been active in Great Britain for six decades, and having started from a butcher shop in Aberdeen now has over 300 stores and four distribution centres nationwide. The consented development in Altrincham will see an existing retail unit converted into a Farmfoods store through a change of use to enable the sale of foodstuffs and convenience goods. It is easily accessible by foot, bicycle and public transport, and will provide 15-20 new jobs and bring significant economic investment into the town.
To support the planning application for this development, a full Retail Impact Assessment was undertaken using information from the Trafford Retail & Leisure Study (2019) with up to date information on existing retail provision, expenditure and surveys of town and district centres in Altrincham and Sale. This demonstrated that the proposal will not have a discernible impact on the vitality or viability of either Altrincham or Sale town centres nor Hale, Timperley and other district centres.
We are delighted to have worked with Farmfoods to support the expansion of its supermarket portfolio through this development.