Live Consultations
Translink Ballast Cleaning Depot
Ballinderry, Lisburn
View Proposal Documents

The Proposal
Translink is proposing a stabling and maintenance depot for ballast material, maintenance buildings and associated staff accommodation and ancillary works, on lands at Ballinderry Road, Lisburn (east of Moira Road and south of existing railway line).
This consultation webpage allows you to view information about the proposed development in advance of a planning application being submitted and provides you with the opportunity to submit your own feedback on the proposals.
There will also be an opportunity to meet the project team at a 'drop-in' public consultation event which will take place on Wednesday 19th February 2025, between 12-2 and 4-7pm, in Ballinderry Parish Church Halls, 22 North Street, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn BT28 2ER.
Members of the project team will be present at this event to respond to any questions you may have regarding the proposals.
The consultation period for this project will run until Friday 7th March 2025. If you have any questions, would like to provide feedback or would like to request a hard copy of the consultation documentation, please get in touch with the project team at the public event, via the feedback form contained on this webpage, by email at, via our answerphone service by calling 028 9692 7258 and following the instructions for the 'Ballast Cleaning Depot Project', or write to us at: Gravis Planning, 1 Pavilions Office Park, Kinnegar Drive, Holywood, BT18 9JQ.
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