Keith Hargest
Director of Planning, Great Britain
Keith has amassed a wealth of cross-sectoral experience in the planning industry across Great Britain, during a career spanning over 30 years. He has worked on several major and complex urban development proposals in England, Scotland and Wales, incorporating issues of transport, housing, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and more. Keith is also a keen educator in the world of planning and has been a keynote speaker at several conferences and seminars which provide continued professional development (CPD) for planners.

Keith has experience in a wide range of planning and development sectors including commercial development, retail, leisure, major infrastructure projects (transport), energy, environment and minerals.
He has led and managed multidisciplinary teams for consultancy studies and projects, including the appointment of consultants on behalf of clients.
He has extensive knowledge of the planning systems across the UK and Ireland, as well as the Isle of Man. He has been an expert witness in circa 75 public inquiries and hearings for both planning appeals and development plan examinations. This includes both advocacy / case leading as well as witness roles. He has also provided support for legal teams in major legal challenges, including cases at the Court of Session and Supreme Court.
Keith's client base includes developers, retailers, leisure operators, land owners, institutions and planning authorities. He also has a wide range of professional contacts throughout GB, including the property. legal, engineering, environmental and design sectors. He is particularly well known for his work on retail, leisure and town centre planning, having authored Government research reports on retailing and town centre planning techniques.